
Loving God, Loving

Others and Serving the World

people in the service of people

We are a church that believes in Jesus & loves GOD and people

Our Statement of Belief

We firmly believe:

  • Jesus Christ to be edified and glorified!
  • The uncompromising Word of God taught with simplicity and understanding by Pastors & Ministers.
  • Communion to be taken during every service as a reminder that His body was broken, and His precious blood was shed for us!
  • An atmosphere full of high‑energy, anointed praise and worship.
  • Inspirational testimonies from Believers, sharing how God’s love, mercy, and grace has healed and delivered them.
  • An informational welcome packet for all: ALL are welcomed to participate and Join the local church.
  • In divine healing—We believe that Jesus is our Healer, and that by His stripes, we are already healed.
  • Tithes and offerings should be freely given to your local church.
  • That the local church is the place of membership where God has called you to receive His Word on a consistent basis and to grow spiritually.
  • In giving alms to the poor, sick, homeless, and others in despair.
  • Biblical Equality:  We believe in the Biblical equality and value of all human persons, as men, women, and children of all races were created in the image of God and called to His service. (Gen.1:27; John 1:12; Gal.3:28; Joel 2:28, 29)

Mission Statement

             The City of God Louisville is a global ministry that is covering the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to meet the needs of mankind. Our mission is to bring together the energies, talents, and abilities of people anointed for service who are capable, qualified, and motivated to operate in excellence and professionalism in a Christ-centered environment, thereby fulfilling the vision and calling of this ministry.
City of God Louisville, headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, is a non-profit Christian organization.
Through the leadership of our founders and pastors, we empower our staff by helping them realize their spiritual, personal, and career objectives.
True to its name, City of God Louisville is setting the standard for excellence in ministry and making a mark in the lives of the city and worldwide.

Join Us in Making a Difference to the World

We are a church that believes in Jesus, church that loves God and
people. Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation, we have found in Jesus, we have a heart and Love for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and on a mission to see God’s. people get SAVED!

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The Miracle of Salvation

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